• What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2023?

    Posted by Maura on at

    Good morning, fellow filmmakers!

    As 2022 is coming to an end, I have started thinking of the future and made a list of my New Year Resolutions for 2023.

    What are your New Year’s Resolutions?

    Here are mine:

    1. Read at least one book every month.
    I have seen many books on Student Filmmaker’s Bookstore ( https://studentfilmmakersstore.com/ ) and in 2023, I plan to read at least one book every month. I wish to learn more about the filmmaking process as I prepare to start working on a short film. Books are a great resource and you can learn a lot from the experience of others.

    2. Volunteer

    The best teacher is practice. In 2023, I plan to volunteer and help others working on their short films to gain more experience that will help me with my projects.

    3. Write down one new thing that I have learned every week

    I want to keep track of my learning process. I also want to motivate myself to learn something new every week. For this purpose, I will start to keep a physical notebook with every new thing that I have learned every week.

    4. Start working on my short film

    In 2023, I wish to start working on my short film. I am planning to work on this project for years, but the pandemic discouraged me. Fortunately, the pandemic has ended and now I can resume working on my project.

    Maria replied 1 year, 4 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Amy


    My primary New Year Resolution is to stop procrastinating! I have the bad habbit to avoid doing a task when the time is right. I am unable to do my best for each task if they pile up and I need to hurry to get them done in time.

  • Jeffery


    Like you said, Maura, I also plan to volunteer and help a friend with his short film. I am a novice and I have plenty to learn. What other way to learn than by getting out of your comfort zone and start doing the things you love?

  • Maria


    I want to build up a portfolio that is worth sharing with others! This is my resolution for 2023!

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