• What is the best length for a TikTok video?

    Posted by Julia on at

    I was thinking to practice making very short films and post them on tiktok because at the moment, from all of the platforms, it seems to provide content creators with the most exposure. Of course, if you are lucky to be picked by their unpredictable algorighm. I have seen many content creators post their work there and in the end, they got at least one viral video.

    To increase my odds, I have read that my videos need to have a length. At the moment, a video on TikTok can be up to 10 minutes. I haven’t seen one video that is longer than 2 minutes in my For You page and this is why I am worried about this.

    Any suggestion?

    István replied 1 year, 10 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Alex


    Most people suggest to keep your video extremely short, usually between 7 and 15 seconds. But don’t worry, I have seen many videos longer than this that went viral. You just need a story to keep your audience from leaving.

  • Lili


    The easy way is to go for 7 seconds.

    The harder way is to go for 30-45 seconds and tell a story.

    Regardless of the option that you choose, keep in mind that you only have 2-3 seconds to say something interesting before people will scroll down.

  • Amy


    TikTok is not an easy way but it can be the way you get the numbers. You could try posting short vlogs about your life as a student or maybe how you started working on a project and post many follow-ups.

  • Maura


    There are many myths about how the algorythm works but no one really knows for sure. I have seen many people suggesting the 7-15 seconds rule, because TikTok is promoting speed but then again, I saw posts that were up to a minute long that were very popular, too. I guess it depends on your luck. What I did not see in my FY page, as you suggested, are videos that are longer than 1 minutes, such as those 3 minutes videos. For some reason, you can post them but the algorythm won’t show them to people.

  • István


    As long as you keep it under one minute it is fine. My recommedation would be to post videos on how you start working on your movies, your student life, your creative process and maybe SFX that you try (if any). Focus on adding value and actually creating content that is relevant for you instead of following trends. Just post what you work on and what defines you. You got this!

    • Marianna


      I agree with you, Istvan! I want to add that it also matters what time you upload your video. From my experience, a video that is uploaded to TikTok in the morning has the potential to reach more people than a video uploade on TikTok in the evening. Just a personal observation.

      • István


        It would make sense, as more people are awake and online in the morning than in the evening, when they are sleeping.

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