• Tips on how to make product commercial videos using your smartphone

    Posted by Maura on at

    When you are just starting in your filmmaking career, you need to work with what you have. At the moment, the filmmaking tool that most of us have access to is a smartphone. It can be a difficult challenge, but you can create a professional product video using, for example, an iPhone. However, you will need a few more accessories to help you with your task.

    Here are a few tips on how to make a product commercial video using your smartphone:

    1. Get creative!

    Even if you have a small budget, don’t let that discourage you! There are many creative ways you can make the most of what you already have. Let’s say, for example, that you wish to create a commercial for a bag of chips. Start by thinking how will that bag of chips stand out, without using too many special effects. For example, you can do a push-in of the subject by using a fabric underneath your tripod to allow a smooth transition. You can stand the bag up by using a small mug to support it from behind.

    2. Use a tripod

    You can put your phone on a tripod. This will allow you more space to move around and build the best shoots that you can, without worrying of dropping the phone. Also, the video will look better without your hand shaking.

    3. Use a table

    Placing your product on a table can be a good idea. It allows you to try out different angles. You can also experiment with your product. For example, for a bag of chips, you can open the bag of chips and film chips falling into the air.

    4. Use a ringlight

    The quality of your video is impacted by how you make use of the lights. A ringlight can be a low-budget option that you can use for your commercial video. Most ringlights come with warm/cold light and you can also set up its intensity.

    What other tips would you recommend for shooting a commercial product video?

    Marianna replied 1 year, 10 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Lili


    A friend of mine once did a commercial video for a local beer company and he sprayed water on the beer to make it look fresh. The color of the table that he used was black and he also used a black cloth for the background. He used two ringlights, one was in front of the product, one was above the product. The end result looked quite impressive, considering he filmed it with a Samsung smartphone at that time.

  • István


    The sky is the limit applies in this context as well. The best commercials are the ones who are not like all the others and go the extra mile. I am not so much a filmmaker, but more of a photographer. I tried making product pictures in a different way and my customers seem to appreciate it. Instead of using the classical background, which is usually black or white, I used my creativity. I wanted to create a mood for my pictures. Someone was selling a phone case which looked vintage, so I created a vintage setup, using a pile of clothes and jewelry. The result was very nice.

    • Lili


      That’s actually a very good idea!

  • Julia


    I saw a really good perfume commercial shoot entirely on an iphone. The one who made the commercial also made a “making of” video and he was helding the phone upside down. He filmed a field of lavender flowers, then he filmed a model walking and spinning in that field. The end result was very good and the final scene was with the actual perfume in that lavender field. The color grading was well-done and you couldn’t really tell it was filmed on a smartphone. It is amazing how technology can enable each of us to create content even with a smartphone.

    • Alex


      I saw a similar commercial on TikTok the other day. You can create so many cool things with your phone this day, you just need to be original and creative.

  • Marianna


    It doesn’t matter what you shoot, a tripod and a ringlight are the bare minimum that you need for a decent quality. Commercials are difficul to shoot because you always need to do something that is different from what others did but in the same time, you can use a few good ideas that you can adapt to the product you wish to advertise.

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