Blockbuster Movies with a Reality Check View online
Student Filmmakers Magazine
Get Your 6 Tips Now for Good Camera Exposure
Exposure in the Filmmaking Process

camera tips

"I want to talk about image exposure in the filmmaking process. Exposure is the lightness or darkness of the image in your viewfinder or monitor. During my career as a cameraman, I have set the camera’s exposure a zillion times. Getting a good exposure is very important every time you set a shot."...
Boston sci-fi
It is, in short, my favorite festival of the year.
Eric Bromberg, DUST

America's longest running genre festival is a filmmaker inspired multiple award winner and industry praised event for emerging and seasoned filmmakers. Spawned at the legendary Orson Welles Cinema, Boston SciFi enters it's 47th iteration as a hybrid event - live & virtual. The live will be at the vintage, renovated Somerville Theatre. Features, shorts and 10 panels mixed in with meet-ups, networking and experiential events. Join us. Submit your film via FilmFreeway. Thank you. Stay safe.
Collaboration Filmmakers Challenge
Collaboration Filmmakers Challenge

Filmmakers, The Collaboration Filmmakers Challenge is a two-week film challenge designed to reward filmmakers for hard work and creativity. This year, the challenge will be running from August 25th through September 8th. Filmmakers need to submit a short film inspired by the theme released at the start of the challenge. In addition to cash prizes and equipment, three development deals with Hollywood production companies will be awarded as well. Where else can you get that? Visit the website,, for more information and to sign up.
Blockbuster Movies with a Reality Check
9 Important Elements

write a blockbuster movie

"I wish I had a penny for each time an emerging writer said, 'I want to write a blockbuster movieTell me how to write a blockbuster movie.' No one has a magic formula for writing a blockbuster movie, but there are some elements that most successful blockbusters seem to have in common. Here are 9 Important Elements."...
How To Be An Internship Rock Star
8 Do's and 8 Don'ts

how to be an internship rockstar

"Congratulations. You just beat out dozens – if not hundreds – of other applicants, and you’re headed to the first day of your internship. If you follow the simple principles here, you'll have people enthusiastically recommending you for your next internship, or better yet, your first paying industry job."...
Filmmakers Forums Community Spotlight
Asael, Composer

Asael, composer

"So for me it all started in Cuba when I was roughly about 7-8 years old. I started taking piano lessons later taking it more seriously and becoming more classically inclined. Once I moved to the US, my music perspective shifted, and I started getting more into jazz and movie soundtracks."...
Adapting Your Video to TikTok
Promote Snippets of Your Film

Bart Weiss teaches

"For my new project 'Fire Bones', we wanted to put some snippets of the film on TikTok to promote the series. This was a bit new for me, so I thought I would give it a try. The first step is to Create a New Timeline"...
filmmakers network
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Perfect for filmmakers, visual storytellers, and content creators of all skill levels. Whether your focus is directing, cinematography, or editing. Producing, screenwriting, or sound. If you're a student, professional, or school, StudentFilmmakers Magazine is an excellent source of education and information, guidance and support for you. Learn from how-to articles and interviews. Get must-have tips and best practices. Explore techniques covering the five stages of motion picture creation: development, pre-production, production, post production, and distribution.

As a global online community and network, StudentFilmmakers Magazine brings together and connects students, independents, and professionals. StudentFilmmakers Magazine Community Spotlights discover and acknowledge artists, technicians, and storytellers around the world. Stay creative, motivated and empowered.

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