The Pocket Lawyer for Filmmakers




Avoid legal pitfalls with this quick reference guide- get real answers written in plain English for filmmakers, not for lawyers…

A Legal Toolkit for Independent Producers. Thomas Crowell, Esq., Lawyer, USA.


Filmmakers; independent filmmakers; low-budget filmmakers; event videographers; producers; directors; students; lawyers

Key Features:

* Avoid legal pitfalls with this quick reference guide- get real answers written in plain English for filmmakers, not for lawyers
* Three books in one: a handy manual on film contracts, a step-by-step guide to critical legal issues on and off the set, and a quick reference on copyright and intellectual property issues
*Revised and updated to cover YouTube, Internet distribution, webisodes, and production services agreements

* How can you use a state’s film tax credits to fund your film? SEE PAGE 63.

* You have an idea you want to pitch to a production company; how do you safeguard your concept? SEE PAGE 77.

* How can you fund your production with product placement? SEE PAGE 157.

* How do you get a script to popular Hollywood actors and deal with their agents? SEE PAGE 222.

Find quick answers to these and hundreds of other questions in this new edition of The Pocket Lawyer for Filmmakers. This no-nonsense reference provides fast answers in plain English-no law degree required! Arm yourself with the practical advice of author Thomas Crowell, a TV-producer-turned-entertainment-lawyer.

This new edition features:

* New sections on product placement, film tax credits and production incentive financing, Letters of Intent, and DIY distribution (four-walling, YouTube, Download-to-own,, iTunes, and Netflix)

* Updated case law

* Even more charts and graphics to help you find the information you need even more quickly.

This book is the next best thing to having an entertainment attorney on retainer!

“Crowell, entertainment and intellectual property rights lawyer, presents this pocket guide providing vital and useful legal information for independent filmmakers. With this well organized reference, producers can navigate the murky legal waters associated with the filmmaking process. Crowell covers everything from protecting intellectual property to dealing with Hollywood actors’ agents and even benefitting financially from state film taxes and product placement. Presented in accessible language, without all the obfuscation of legal jargon, this guide provides adequate legal counsel for those embarking on producing an independent film.”–Book News, Reference & Research


Getting Started; Development; Getting the Rights; Financing; Preproduction; PRODUCTION; The Production Office; Legal Issues on the Set; Shooting Permits; Child Actors; Intellectual Property; Shooting Schedules; Location Damage; Personal Injury; Transportation and Accomodations; Overtime and Overages; POSTPRODUCTION; Editing; Music Licensing; Reshoots and Doubling; Looping and ADR; Animation, Titles, and Special Effects; Laboratory Agreements; DISTRIBUTION; Distributors; Chain of Title and Deliverables; Net Profits; Royalties, Accounting, and Audits; Marketing and Promotion; Ancillary Rights; Assignment of Rights; LEGAL TAILOR; Appendix A, Contracts; Appendix B, Intellectual Property Law, Appendix C, Business Entities; Legal Resources; Index

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Weight 1.5 oz


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