Community Spotlight with Todd E. Geer

Event Videographer. Colorado, United States.

#FlashbackFriday #FBF  Do you remember our Community Spotlight with Todd E. Geer?

For events and small scale promotional videos, videographer Todd E. Geer applies a variety of skills such as project management, location scout, talent direction, camera operation, lights, sound, and editing. Most of Todd’s time spent as a videographer is applied to shooting and editing wedding movies.


Todd E. Geer. Event Videographer. Colorado, United States.Favorite Technique:
“I have a couple of techniques I use regularly. Because shooting events requires quick moving, I can’t use a huge, bulky tripod for my shoots, so the tripod I have can sometimes cause jitter in the image. To alleviate some of that jitter, I tie a couple rubber bands around the stick so that when I start and end a pan or tilt, it’s not accompanied by the obvious ‘that’s where he took his hand off’ motion. Second is less technical, that being how to shoot when things are unplanned. Instead of just pointing my camera at the couple during their ceremony or at guests dancing, I try to keep the camera in motion when appropriate – a tilt, pan, zoom, or any combination of those offers great footage for editing to music later.”

Biggest Challenge:
“Having worked mostly on event productions, I have experienced several challenges. Shooting events is very challenging in general due to the chaotic and unplanned nature of those events, but sound challenges are probably the main issue I run across at almost any event.”

“I have managed to put together a bag of adapters which, thus far, has solved all of the sound problems that have come up. RCA, 1/4” mono, 1/8” stereo, XLR, male/ female – you never know what you’re going to get at an event!”

Current Projects:
“I create mostly wedding videos for clients, but have also created a music video for a Northern Colorado DJ and musician. I will complete a documentary on the Loveland Colorado Fireworks Show this year. I’ve acted in and crewed for a film short entitled, The Clearing.”

Two Aegis Awards

Favorite Tool:
Sony Vegas Pro 8


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