Community Spotlight with Mary Janca

Teacher, Graduate Student, Filmmaker. Mebane, United States, North Carolina.

#FlashbackFriday #FBF  Do you remember our Community Spotlight with Mary Janca?

Mary Janca is teaching video production, while studying education in a Masters Program. She will be working on two films within the next two years after completing graduate school.


Teacher, Graduate Student, Filmmaker. Mebane, United States, North Carolina.“I currently am enjoying teaching high school students college-level courses through the film/video program at Piedmont Community College, and it is amazing seeing how the media influences youth and how they think and see the world. It is also amazing to see, when working on video projects, the collaborative process unfold before your very eyes… and see the maturity and creativity grow in young minds…”

Mary is also acting in and co-producing, “Southern Undead: Attack of the Redneck Zombies,” a fun film directed and written by Phoenix Mangus. “Our goal is to make it feature-length and put installments on the internet, but it has been getting so much attention that more may come of it, who knows? Because it is low budget, all of the co-producers have been wearing many hats. I have assisted with makeup, casting, location scouting, lighting, audio, scriptwriting…”

Indie filmmaking tip:

“Get tons of people involved in your project, no matter how the project is going, and allow people to take some ownership, even if it is just for the smallest thing, for they may give back tenfold for the glory of their being able to tell stories and share with others their filmmaking experiences. Being charming also helps – I credit Phoenix Mangus for that!”


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