Professional Motion Picture Production and Distribution NEWS

Trinity Broadcasting Network Offers Patriotic Program Lineup for July 4th Weekend

posted Jul 3, 2013, 18:55

As the nation celebrates its heritage of liberty this July 4th weekend, Trinity Broadcasting Network will offer a lineup of programs to educate and inspire Americans of all ages.

For 237 years “One Nation Under God” has defined the spirit of America’s greatness. And for the past 40 years Trinity Broadcasting Network has been a shining light calling individuals and families to the faith that has long made America the “city on a hill” beckoning the world to faith and freedom. As the nation celebrates its heritage of liberty this July 4th weekend, TBN will offer a lineup of programs to educate and inspire Americans of all ages.

Among the programs TBN has planned for this unique American celebration are:

– "America’s Godly Heritage." In this dramatic and moving program, noted historian David Barton offers solid historic evidence that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Airs July 4th and 5th (check here for broadcast times).

– "Faith of Our Fathers." This important documentary offers an in-depth look at the issue of the separation of church and state in America, examining the creation and intent of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and looking at a number of important Supreme Court cases that have framed this controversial debate. Airs July 4th (check here for broadcast times).

– "A Nation Adrift." A riveting walk through America past and present, this program captures the importance of faith in America's founding — as well as today. Never has there been a greater need for Americans to be reminded of their nation's Godly roots, and this program does just that through history and key quotes from the Founding Fathers — all seen through the perspective of America's present direction. Airs July 5th (check here for broadcast times).

– "Let Freedom Ring." Featuring the big band sounds of Denver and the Mile High Orchestra, Let Freedom Ring is a musical celebration of America’s heritage of faith and freedom. Airs July 4 (check here for broadcast times).

In addition to these featured programs, TBN has a full schedule of other inspiring and patriotic specials to help viewers commemorate America’s faith and freedom. (Check TBN’s broadcast schedule for a full listing of all special programming.)

Dr. Paul Crouch, TBN’s founder and president, said that while America faces a number of challenges to its foundation of faith, it is not too late to reclaim its righteous heritage for future generations. “God has promised to respond in mercy both to individuals and nations who turn to Him,” said Dr. Crouch. “As we have for the past four decades, TBN is committed to ministering that mercy across America and around the world.”

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