Video Contests, Film Festivals, and Awards

Scriptwriters Network High Concept Screenplay Competition Final Deadline: 12/15/2011

posted Nov 18, 2011, 23:17

The High Concept Screenplay Competition welcomes all genres and aims to discover, honor and reward different approaches, eclectic points of view and unique voices in screenwriting.

The High Concept Screenplay Competition welcomes all genres and aims to discover, honor and reward different approaches, eclectic points of view and unique voices in screenwriting.

A high concept screenplay:

* has a great premise - the idea is king (Big)
* has a memorable title - it conveys what the movie is about (Wedding Crashers)
* has a visual logline - you can see the movie (40 Year Old Virgin)
* has universal appeal - all demographics "get it" (Star Trek)
* has a simple throughline, clear conflicts, high stakes, a hook, a ticking clock and/ or a twist (The Godfather, Liar Liar)
* can be summed up succinctly in 25 words or less (Seven, Home Alone)

First Place $1500 & Screenplay Studio Software Bundle ($620 value)
Second Place $500 & Screenplay Studio Software Bundle ($620 value)
Third Place $250 & Movie Magic Screenwriter ($250 value)


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