Professional Motion Picture Production and Distribution NEWS

MacGillivray Freeman Films Leads 3D Blu-ray Wave With First Live-Action 3D Blu-ray Title in Europe

By Staff
posted Sep 12, 2010, 19:36

GRAND CANYON ADVENTURE is first live-action 3D Blu-ray title available in Europe.

GRAND CANYON ADVENTURE is first live-action 3D Blu-ray title available in Europe.

(Laguna Beach) MacGillivray Freeman Films announced the German release of Grand Canyon Adventure in 3D Blu-ray, marking the first live-action 3D Blu-ray title available in Europe. The film's North American 3D Blu-ray release will follow later this year as part of the first wave of 3D Blu-ray discs to come on the market.

Originally produced by MacGillivray Freeman Films for giant-screen 3D IMAX Theatres, Grand Canyon Adventure on 3D Blu-ray was produced by Imagion, Big Picture Digital Productions, and DKP 70MM, Inc, a subsidiary of IMAX Corporation. The title is now available in German stores through Eurovideo.

"When I first saw the 3D Blu-ray version of Grand Canyon Adventure, I was amazed by the superb visual quality and immersive nature of the experience, which far surpassed my high expectations," said Mike Lutz, Senior Vice President for Business Development at MacGillivray Freeman Films. "I already knew how fantastic the Blu-ray HD quality was, but the 3D effects startled me -- it's a very dynamic experience. This new 3D Blu-ray technology represents the cutting edge of home theatre entertainment, and MacGillivray Freeman Films is proud to once again demonstrate our market leadership by releasing this brilliant live-action motion picture in this new 3D format."

"I can't think of a better film than Grand Canyon Adventure to represent the enormous potential of 3D Blu-ray technology," said Ryan Mullins, President and CEO of Big Picture Digital Productions. "The film's breathtaking 3D images were originally photographed in the highest quality 1570 IMAX format, then scanned at 8k resolution for the Blu-ray disc, making for an unsurpassed visual experience on 3D television. We applaud MacGillivray Freeman Films for embracing this new 3D home video market and for giving audiences another incredibly immersive cinematic experience, this time in the comfort of their own homes."

MacGillivray Freeman Films has long led the industry in finding new markets for its giant-screen films. It was the first to mass distribute a giant-screen film (To Fly!) to TV stations worldwide in 1977. It distributed the first successful VHS version of a giant-screen film (To Fly!) in 1980. It released the first-ever HD film title (Coral Reef Adventure) through Microsoft's Windows Media 9 in 2004. It was the first to make ten films available for HD-TV distribution in 2004.

"While producing and distributing films for the IMAX Theatre network will always remain our top priority, we continue to seek out opportunities to use exciting new technologies to deliver superlative entertainment experiences to ever wider audiences," adds Lutz.

Grand Canyon Adventure is one of the top-grossing giant-screen films of the past five years with worldwide ticket sales of more than $25 million. Grand Canyon Adventure is narrated by Robert Redford and features songs and music by Dave Matthews Band. The film is produced by MacGillivray Freeman Films and MacGillivray Freeman Films Educational Foundation in association with Museum Film Network and Reynders McVeigh Capital Management. It is presented by Teva and supported by Kohler Co.


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