Video Contests, Film Festivals, and Awards

International Family Film Festival (IFFF) Final Deadline: 12/16/2011

posted Nov 18, 2011, 23:22

IFFF builds a peaceful global family through the discovery and sharing of quality stories by emerging artists and productions companies.

IFFF builds a peaceful global family through the discovery and sharing of quality stories by emerging artists and productions companies.

The IFFF supports artists and provides opportunities that exist nowhere else for the showcasing of 'family film and screenplay'. IFFF urges you to support the dreams of family filmmakers who completely believe that these projects can make a difference.

Every year there is a series of competitions including our annual International Family Film Festival (IFFF) for film and screenplay competition, and the IFFF Youth Fest! Film & Screenplay Festival for students aged 8-18.. Each of these events has their own guidelines and entry forms; and the dates change from year to year. But the goal of all these events is still the same- to provide material that reinforces the positive values of life and further educates us about ourselves.

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