Professional Motion Picture Production and Distribution NEWS

Immigrated Chinese Filmmaker takes on Child-Trafficking in State of Sunshine, an Award-Winning Short Film now Playing at

posted Aug 1, 2012, 08:32

Director Eric Zang tells the tragic story of a Chinese immigrant who has to pimp his younger sister in order to stay in America. The film won a student emmy, and is now playing until August 2 at

(Tallahassee, FL) - While attending Film School at The Florida State University, Zhang received a letter from his mother in China, containing an article about a young brother and sister who ran away from their parents. The brother was the sister's pimp. The story did not have a happy ending.

As tragic as the news was, it inspired Zhang to write and direct an award-winning film about the hardships and hurdles immigrants face when coming to America. An immigrant himself, Zhang was moved by the article and knew just how this scenario could play out with illegal immigrants in America. He set out doing endless research and interviews with emigre friends to develop State of Sunshine.

Says Zhang: "I wrote many drafts and I felt a lot of sympathy for them (immigrants) and what kind of despair they are in. I can identify with them to a certain extent because I am an immigrant myself and I knew a lot of immigrants."

State of Sunshine won a Student Academy Award, and a Women and Minority Student Film Award at the Directors Guild of America.

Even with all his success with State of Sunshine, Zhang has had a hard time staying in America. "It was very difficult for me to stay in the country and work in the film industry because you can�t get a VISA with film jobs" notes Zhang. He is now teaching at the University of Central Arkansas, and is currently writing a feature screenplay about his personal experience.

State of Sunshine plays until August 2 at Red Movie House (RMH) is an online social movie theater featuring rising stars - exceptional new talent in the film industry. Like your hometown theater, RMH plays movies for a week at a time. Films continue to be free as long as you rate and share them.

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