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Hollywood Screenwriter, Best Selling Author Andrew Klavan on 'South Park' Controversy

By Staff
posted May 2, 2010, 17:47

As the controversy continues, both free speech advocates and those who fear the influence of radical Islam are outraged by Comedy Central's censorship of "South Park" and the violent threats toward Stone and Parker.

As the controversy continues, both free speech advocates and those who fear the influence of radical Islam are outraged by Comedy Central's censorship of "South Park" and the violent threats toward Stone and Parker.

(Washington, D.C. ) To mark its 200th episode, "South Park" creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker decided to bring back some of their most controversial characters. After a facing criticism and censorship for a 2006 depiction of Muhammad, they decided to make light of the incident by depicting him as a blurred-out figure and in a mascot costume, never actually showing his face. But shortly after the episode aired, radical Muslim bloggers issued violent threats to Stone and Parker, and Comedy Central responded by censoring the episode and removing it from its website.

As the controversy continues, both free speech advocates and those who fear the influence of radical Islam are outraged by Comedy Central's censorship of "South Park" and the violent threats toward Stone and Parker.

Andrew Klavan -- whose novels True Crime and Don't Say a Word became hit films starring Clint Eastwood and Michael Douglas respectively, and whose latest book is also headed for the big screen -- takes issue with Comedy Central's extreme political correctness and is talking with media outlets to discuss the current controversy.

Ask Andrew:

  • Why Comedy Central responded inappropriately to the threats.
  • If the threats against Stone and Parker are merely a fringe incident, or if they represent a greater cultural shift.
  • Why extreme political correctness is dangerous.
  • How his latest book, "The Long Way Home", discusses individual freedoms in an age of radical Islam.
Andrew Klavan -- who appears this week on The Sean Hannity Show, The Laura Ingraham Show, FOX and Friends, The Mike Gallagher Show, WOR NYC, America's Morning News, The Lars Larson Show, CNS News, The Jim Bohannon Show, Let's Talk Live on News Channel 8, FOX News Strategy Room, America Tonight and more -- is a witty, entertaining and in-demand interviewee. His Klavan on the Culture video commentaries on PJTV are among the web portals most viewed features.

Klavan's new book The Long Way Home, which deals with Islamo-fascist terrorists, has been optioned by Summit Entertainment ("Twilight", "The Hurt Locker") to be made into a major motion picture.

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