On Campus News

The Hollywood Film and Acting Academy's Private 2-Day Short Movie Program

By StudentFilmmakers.com
posted Jul 8, 2013, 14:35

In the 2-Day Short Movie Program students will learn the basics in Directing, Cinematography, and Editing.

In the 2-Day Short Movie Program students will learn the basics in Directing, Cinematography, and Editing. This program is designed to teach students the basics in making movies for specific markets, pre-production, production and post-production with a focus on Directing, Cinematography, and Editing.

The 2-Day Short Movie Program is divided into two phases.

Day 1 is Instruction/Pre-production

Making movies for markets and then go into story. You will write a short movie, break it down from a directors point of view and a camera operators point of view. You will learn what shots are and their meaning. You will be taught a 4-point lighting set up and on how to create and tell the differences between hard light and soft light. You will be taught the basics in operating a Sony Ex-1 and will explore ways to adjust exposure, focus and transferring footage from the SxS memory cards to Final Cut Pro.

Day 2 is Instruction/Production/Post-Production

You will be taught to how to work with actors and shoot the scene that you wrote the day before. Then you will edit the footage using Apple’s Final Cut Pro Video Editing Software.

In the Group 2-Day Short Movie Program, YOU will make a short movie that was written for the group, and YOU will make your SHORT MOVIE.

Below are definitions of what you’ll learn:

Making movies for specific markets with the money that you have rather then finding investors.

Cinematography - Introduction to Cinematography covering an overview of composition, light and color, lighting continuity, gripping and gaffing.

Directing - Introduction to directing covering an overview of the functions of the director.

Editing with Final Cut Pro - Introduction to Editing, designed to provide students with basic skills for 24/30fps projects using Final Cut Pro.

Hands-on - This isn’t a class, it’s an exercise! Hands-on exercises are where the instructor (producing, directing or cinematography instructor) actually works with students.

This is a one of a kind program and a great way for new students to get their start in filmmaking.

The Private 2-Day Short Movie Program starts at $650.00.



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