Professional Motion Picture Production and Distribution NEWS

Filmmakers Have 20 Days Left to Raise $75,000 to Make First Full-Length Feature Film a Reality

posted Sep 9, 2012, 10:58

"Gone Doggy Gone" by Buzzworm Films is the story of a kidnapped dog and the desperate lengths it's owners take to retrieve it. Like the couple they plan to portray in their original film "Gone Doggy Gone" they are under pressure to raise the funds in time to save their baby�which in reality is their film and in the film is their dog.

(Hollywood, CA) Kasi Brown and Brandon Walter have raised about $9,000 of the $75,000 budget for their first full-length feature film and have 20 days left to complete the funding via Indiegogo. Like the couple they plan to portray in their original film "Gone Doggy Gone" they are under pressure to raise the funds in time to save their baby—which in reality is their film and in the film is their dog.

The original film is about a couple who treats their dog like a baby, then it gets kidnapped. They are among many hopefuls campaigning for projects on crowdfunding sights such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Brown and Walter say they opted for Indiegogo rather than Kickstarter because on Indiegogo if you do not reach your goal, you can still keep the money that you raised. The catch is, Indiegogo takes a higher percentage (9 percent). If a goal is met (in their case $75,000 in 30 days) the service only takes 4 percent of the donations.

"Crowdfunding is not for the faint of heart," explains Brown. "It requires constant campaigning through various social media outlets, Facebook, Twitter, E-mail to friends, loved ones, grandmas, and even exes."

(Brown claims she even went so far as to promise to give a coveted secret recipe to an ex to wrench just $100).

"The truth is," she says, "there are thousands of hopefuls campaigning—all with a dream."

But Brown and Walter (the founders of Buzzworm Films which will produce the movie) have a few tricks up their sleeves. Most notably, their creativity and ability to put it on film (well, in this case online by way of a very funny and well thought out pitch video that introduces the cast and gives potential backers a taste of what they can expect from the film). The pitch video and film project proposal can be viewed at

As soon as they clicked the "start my fundraiser" button they were off and running, says Brown.

The two partners have a "War Plan," explains Brown. "We each have daily lists of responsibilities like posting two pictures, Facebooking and Tweeting a video, and responding to comments posted by potential contributors."

The truth behind crowdfunding is the power of many and the ability to make it almost a full-time job during the funding process, she admits, adding that the process is a very humbling experience.

Another way they are standing out from the "crowd" on crowdfunding sites is through a very unique campaign that is featuring missing pet posters from actual missing pets.

The movie is scheduled to begin shooting this November.


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