Video Contests, Film Festivals, and Awards

FEATURED: Buzz Away Extreme $1,000 Slap Dance Video Contest

posted Jun 16, 2011, 06:05

Make a video that doesn't bite and win $1,000 for best video, $250 for most viewed.

Buzz Away Extreme Video ChallengeThe Buzz Away Extreme $1,000 Slap Dance Video Contest. America�s favorite natural repellent is looking for dance videos composed entirely of mosquito slapping rhythms. A slap dance uses body percussion. The idea is to slap, slide, whack or shuffle the mosquitoes off your body in a sound-making rhythmic fashion. Do it to music or let the rhythms you create become the music. Dances can be done solo, in a group, combined with animation, etc. Make a video that doesn�t bite and win $1,000 for best video, $250 for most viewed. © 2004-2005. All rights reserved.
A division of Welch Integrated, Inc.