Documentary Production and Distribution News Releases a Complimentary Online Version of its Film

posted Jul 10, 2013, 08:54

Representatives with announced today that anyone who wants to view its film, which focuses on cyber bullying and solutions to the growing problem, can now view it online at no cost.

“The screenings are available to anyone,” said Kristin Matysik, marketing director for Submit The Documentary. “All people have to do is fill out our screening contact form at and we will email them the link and passcode. This link expires two weeks from the date of it being first requested.”

Matysik explained that although the general public can view the film online at no cost, there is no difference in the paid version.

“Only that for a $20 donation we can mail the DVD,” Matysik said, before adding, “We do not have a paid online version. We only ask for donation for DVDs as we are an independent film with no official means of mass distribution.

The film, which premiered at the 2013 Atlanta Film Festival, and won second place in the documentary category at the 2013 Buffalo Niagara Film Festival, and will be featured at the 2013 White Sands International Film Festival, Matysik said, we have two versions of the film: The Producer’s cut, which is 55 minutes long and the School version, which is 49 minutes long.

Director Les Ottolenghi said he was inspired to create Submit the Documentary after he came home from work one night and turned on the local news and saw the story of an 11-year-old boy who had been cyberbullied and then committed suicide.

“I thought about my one-year-old son and thought this can’t happen again, this can’t happen to anyone else’s child, this can’t happen to our child,” Ottolenhi said. “So I made this movie so these wonderful and powerful technologies that can be used in very good ways were not used in bad ways. I made this film so that all of you that are watching it become aware, take action and not be bystanders.”

According to statistics from the I-SAFE foundation that tracks cyber attacks, more than one in three young people have experienced cyber threats online and more than 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet.

Matysik noted that the statistics mentioned above is one reason why the company has secured a new partnered with Project Anti-Bully. Project Anti-Bully believes it is crucially important to team up and tackle cyberbullying.

Cyber bullying involves using technology, like cell phones and the Internet, to bully or harass another person. Cyber bullying can take many forms, such as sending mean messages or threats to a person's email account or cell phone or spreading rumors online or through texts.

“We’re proud to announce our new partnership, and we’re proud that people can view this amazing documentary online at no cost,” Matysik said. “Submit is the first and only award winning U.S. educational film that tells the stories of the families affected by cyberbullying, in an interviewed based format (not a narrative). The shared experiences and testimonials of victims, survivors and experts expose the growing world of cyberbullying.”

For more information about Submit The Documentary, please view the film’s trailer at:


Submit the Documentary is a powerful educational movie that helps enlighten the community about the complex issues surrounding cyberbullying. This documentary points to the ways in which the community can come together to support Anti-Bullying efforts both locally and nationally to help reduce the incidences.
