• What is special about the Fall Season for Filmmakers?

    Posted by Maura on at

    Filmmakers from all over the world are inspired each year by the Fall season to create new projects. But what is so special about the Fall Season for Filmmakers?

    1. The Scenery

    One of the trademarks of the Fall season is the scenery. Mother Nature prepares the movie set with vibrant colors, leaf-covered ground and trees. The only challenge that remains is to find the perfect spot to shoot your scenes. Another trademark of this season is the cloudy sky that allows less sunlight to come through, allowing you to create a moody scene if you choose to shoot during the day.

    2. Halloween

    As soon as October starts, it has become a transform an entire town with Halloween decorations. It can be very easy to find the perfect costumes and setting for your next horror film. It is the perfect time to put your creativity to work and come up with a scary story and get your friends to join you in this project.

    3. Urban Legends

    According to the Greek mythology, the legend says that the fall season started when Persephone was kidnapped by Hades to become the Queen of the Underworld. As a result, her mother, Demeter, which was the Goddess of Harvest, has made all the crops on Earth to die until the return of her daughter, which would mark spring. This ancient legend is just an example of the many stories that surround this season that could be the main inspiration behind a movie. There are plenty urban legends surrounding the Fall season that could be the starting point of a great filmmaking project!

    Alex replied 1 year, 7 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • István


    The Autumn scenery is amazing. I am always impressed by the work of Mother Nature. You should see how many beautiful places we have here, in Budapest, during this season. 😀

  • Amy


    There are many urban legends that we are not even aware of and most of them that we have heard of are about Halloween. So much inspiration in Autumn, all we have to do is search for it! 😀

  • Khan Imran


    One of the best seasons for cinematography.. No artificial light and artificial leaves are required..

    Everything is 100% Real , the leaves , the background with a silence ,we just listen sound of the leaves

    • Maura


      Exactly! 😀

    • Julia


      Just as Khan said, Autumn is the perfect season to shoot a film without having to improvise or adjust anything! Mother Nature does all the job!

  • Alex


    Aside from events, this season really has it all: colors, lights, mood. Get your camera and start shooting your next short film!
    I plan to shoot a broll 🙂

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